CDs & IRAs

Grow your money over time.

a stack of coins with plants growing from them, next to a jar with coins

Whatever your savings goals are, we can help.

We offer a variety of Certificate of Deposit (CD) and Individual Retirement Account (IRA) terms to fit your unique needs. Rates are subject to change daily. For the most accurate information, please stop by or contact one of our Branch Locations.

Certificate of Deposit Rates & Terms

Rates effective 10/15/2024 until adjusted.

Type Min. Opening Balance Interest Rate  APY*
91 Day $2,500 2.00 2.02
182 Day $2,500 3.50 3.56
12 Month (1 Year) $100 3.50 3.55
18 Month (1.5 Year) $100 3.25 3.29
24 Month (2 Year) $100 3.10 3.14
30 Month (2 1/2 Year) $100 2.80 2.84
36 Month (3 Year) $100 2.25 2.27
48 Month (4 Year) $100 2.15 2.17
60 Month (5 Year) $100 2.00 2.02

Individual Retirement Account Rates & Terms

Rates effective 10/15/2024 until adjusted.

Type Min. Opening Balance Interest Rate APY*
IRA Fixed - 6 Month $25 4.33   4.33
IRA Variable - 18 Month $25 3.50 3.56
IRA Fixed - 18 Month $25 3.35 3.39
IRA Fixed - 30 Month $25 2.90 2.94
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is based on quarterly compounding of interest.
* Fees may reduce earnings.
* Penalty may apply for early withdrawal. 

CD Calculators

  • Certificate of Deposit: Use this calculator to find out how much interest you can earn on a Certificate of Deposit (CD).
  • CD Ladder: Use this calculator to examine the benefits of investing in a series of Certificates of Deposit with different maturities, also called a CD ladder.

IRA Calculators

  • Regular IRA: Contributing to a traditional IRA can create a current tax deduction, plus it provides for tax-deferred growth.
  • Roth IRA: Creating a Roth IRA can make a big difference in your retirement savings. Use this calculator to help estimate how much.
  • Roth Transfer: This calculator compares two alternatives with equal out-of-pocket costs to estimate the change in total net worth, at retirement, if you convert your Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA.

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