Personal Savings

Save more.

Do more.

a jar full of coins with a vacation label on it

Providing a variety of ways to start saving

We’re here to help you figure out how to save money in a way that works for you.

Regular Savings

Designed for growing savings.
Regular Savings basics

Money Market Account

Designed for customers who maintain high balances and want to earn premium interest.
money market basics

Health Savings Accounts

Designed for customers who want to shelter income from taxes for paying medical expenses.
hsa basics

Account Rates & Terms

Rates effective 10/15/2024 until adjusted.

Type Min/Opening Balance Interest Rate (%) APY**
Personal Money Market $2,500* 1.00 1.01
Personal Savings $5* 0.55 0.55
Health Savings Account N/A 0.55 0.55

* A service fee will be charged if balance falls below the minimum balance. Senior citizens and students may be exempt from the monthly services fees.

* APY on Personal Checking, VIP Checking, Money Market, Health Savings and Regular Savings accounts are based upon monthly compounding of interest. 

* Fees may reduce earnings.

 Our Accounts Team

Mother with an infant child at home

Low rate, big dreams. The perfect home.